
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Meditation, water, writing and me . . .

There is the early morning writing that just let the words flow like 'magic' and then there are my bath tub . . .  

Your organised environment, the peace of all is done, the day is mine in front of my laptop . . .

Again : Meditation, water, writing and me . . .

What do these things have in common?

This is one of my writing secrets, when I reach that point of block, I take a nice bath, smelly things added.

This, in the beginning was never deliberately planned, it just happened. Drifting off, letting go of the sore muscles and the mind, I found myself planning. Anything, cleaning house, gardening, work, shopping, holidays etc. 

Then I discover that meditating near or in water is the best way for me.

Water is able to put me in some kind of trance. I can spend hours at end in the bathtub, and this here is a childhood habit of mine. Only freaking years later the acknowledgement came like a light switch flipped on!! 

I am meditating without noticing it! My breathing slow down, my heart rate drops, my whole mind, body and soul goes into a state of relaxation and meditation.

Then after about 20 minutes (or longer) of meditation the brilliant ideas and self inspiration make me jump up out of the water to go grab a pen and paper!

Needless to say, nowadays my note pad and pencil goes to bath with me ;-)

Then I thought, let me check this out and the first that appears on the search screen is: 

"Meditation and water are wedded forever" ~ Mobi Dick

(Uhmmmmm then my bathtub is just cool!)

Use this tool, it opened up endless opportunities for me . . .


There are so many beautiful places, ponds, rivers, lakes, beaches, springs, pools . . . just picture them in your mind.

And then if you know the old plane me . . . it will be easy to understand . . . I use the bathtub!

This is me, and I am merely just sharing my 'tool' with friends like me.



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