
Wednesday, 30 December 2015


In 2015 I learned that I am a tiny shiny blimp of awesomeness, created to walk on the artwork of my Creator, the allmighty God of Love and Kindness.
We endured tears and pain and we had to say goodbye to awesome souls, a dearest mother and friends that will stay in our hearts until we meet again. 
We are far far away from the people that matter the most but was able to spend quality time with them. 
We had good times, lots of good times.
I met tribe members and love them all ;-) 
I can feel what is comming in 2016. I know it is good and exciting! 
I can see love and light, laughter, fun and abundance and travelling, lol. 
I can see nature and I can see changes for the good. 
In 2016, be kind to each other. It's simple, just be kind and remember, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind"
You are the change you want to see in the word, tiny shiny blimp of awesomeness created by the Creator of all the Universe. 
My Love and Light be your path in this great new year awaiting us all. 

Van die anderkant van die ewenaar

Monday, 3 August 2015

How to handle those irritations in your life

You are on your happy level, and the phone ring and you want to go -aaarrrggggg.

Now to remain on the happy level, whe have a veiw seconds to do so, you can think, how fortunate I am to be so popular, to own a phone, to have a job etc. and answer with a smile and still be happy.

And then that person, you just cannot handle, with that stupid remarks who forever irritate the daylights out of you, walk into your office -arrgggggg.
Remeber you need to stay on that happy level . . . .

Now, in a few seconds, you can go down to that level or you can stay on yours . . . the choice is yours.

Remember, it's not your job to go down to that level, nor is it to drag that person up to your level, but you can say, I want to uplift you, if you are upliftable . . . come up and we can play together, but I am not going down where you are and try to drag you up. 

Remeber what it look like when you are stuck in traffic and drivers are yelling at- and signal each other, how can you stay in your happy place in traffic? Smile and think of a way to stay on your happy level, it's all up to you.

Then you get the complainers or criticizers and analitical bunch and the nosy ones . . . trying so hard to pull everybody to their lower level - repeat : I AM NOT GOING DOWN WHERE YOU ARE! Stay in your happy place and carry on. What a challange! 

Now do you get that? Think of a way to stay on your happy level, in all situations, at all costs, just do not get down from your happy level. 

To hate or to get angry and is more harmfull to ourselves than to the one we hate or are angry with. 



Yeah that feel soooo good . . . 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

8 Ways to restore the good vibes in your home

We all know that feeling when you just know it is time for change, then my dear, it is time for change. You don't need to move or do something drastic. Most of the time just the smallest of change can turn stagnant into awe.

Then it is time to reset the good vibes in your home.
(Without spending days of spring cleaning or loads of money)

1. Do something about the air, burn some insence or fragrance oils or whatever you fancy. Open up all the windows and let in fresh air.
2. Play music.
3.  Move the furniture, even if it is only a few inches in another direction, just to disturb that old rut's       stagnant vibrations.
4. Bring a plant indoors or if you have some inside, cut out all the dead leaves and dust it or even better take it ouside for a quick shower with the garden hose, the plant will love it. Some flowers will also do the trick.
5. Make something new, or do something new, even if it is just a old throw in a new place, bring some colour in.
6. Move the lamp to a new location, to change the flow of light after dark will keep the new positive vibe alive.
7. Light a candle.
8. Remove all clutter.

Now leave the room, turn around and re-enter. See some difference? Good.
Not much, go back and change more until you get it right. You will know when to stop.

Sit down, relax and enjoy!

Monday, 6 July 2015


The time has come for the humble to rule,
The ones who are in touch, in constand awe, do good deeds
who do not judge God's creations.
But love even the enemy . . . 

The one who believe he is the rule and the right way 
and look down on other creations, 
and judge . . . the self,
will be silenced,
they will be brought down to their knees
in shame and quest for forgiveness.

We will give them all of those,
because we are not able to judge,
nor deny the love from our hearts . . .


Saturday, 4 July 2015

Dark Knight

The Dark Knight strikes - and I am going to blind you with my light!!!!!

Jou moer, Dark Knight, jy gaan niemand onder kry nie. 

What I call the "Dark Knight": - those times or may be a person, who come into your life, or who are           already part of it, and for no known reason, just fu.k every good vibration to hell. 

And the Angel said:

Dark Knight, the time has come . . .
Let me to introduce you to my sister - 
My beautiful sister, we call her KARMA

She is my older sister, she is very fond 
of her little sisters and brothers, 
She does not like it when you, with your
insecurity and low selfesteem, 
bully her siblings. 

If this is the only way you know of to be a man,
If this was the only example ever set to you,
If it make you feel macho,
so be it, 
For now . . . 

For when you are still at night, she will speak 
you will toss and turn - should you not listern.
She will strike when she is ready
For bullies always met KARMA.

now I say to you, 


And then you set it free, you collect your good vibrations and you move on, our source will lead and guide us towords the next point of growth . . .

Turn you head towards the light, let the past be in the past, learn form it, forgive and forget about it. 

And let the big sister do her job, it is not for us to wish bad upon the bullies in life. 

You turn this padge with a wish on your lips, 

"I wish you love and light, Dark Knight, 
May you learn to feel the love and abundance,
Of being a being of the light,
May goodness cross your path,
May new opportunities  be so magnificent that you 
cannot refuse. 

 Mmmmmmmm nuf said for today . . .

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Die invloed van media op jou dag . . .

Ek lees vanmore 2 goed raak, die eerste is 'n epos oor 'n Switzerse rubriek skrywer, en dit gaan oor Afrika en veral Suid-Afrika, feite, maar omdat ek dit gelees het voel ek redelik swartgallig, dit gaan oor die mense in beheer van die land en ek hoef nie veel meer te sê nie, julle weet mos wat aangaan, en ek onthou hy het gesê dis 'n "slow heating pot" en daai wroeging kom steek hier in my binneste vas.  Hy vergelyk Suid-Afrika met ander Afrika lande en sonder om veel te weet kan jy die prentjie sien. En so scroll ek toe maar deur FB om die nuutste stukkies uit my online vriende se bestaan te aanskou en hier sien ek die volgende: 

Nou ja, wat meer kan ek sê? 

As die loadshedding en die koerant berigte teen die pale en die nuus jou vanmôre laat voel soos ek 10 min gelede gevoel het, lees weer hier bo.

Lekker dag vir almal.


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Green paint ;-)

28 April 2015

Nog 'n lieflike dag in Afrika, dis stil, al wat ek hoor is die gesuis van die lugversorgers, iewers kraai 'n hoenderhaan, 'n bok blêr in die vêrte. Die windjie waai 'n welkome koel luggie oor my waar ek hier buite sit en skryf. Dis groen, so groen dat as ek dit moet skilder, gaan jy dink ek het net te veel groen verf, dis mooi. 'n Gamba Lizzard kom knik sy koppie vir my, sê hy môre of sê hy skoert van my stoep af? Skoenlappers en voëltjies vladder van een rooi hibuskus blom na die ander. Ek voel die gemis van 'n troeteldier, dit pla al lank maar wat kan ek nou maak, dis nou maar hoe dit is. Die geraas van die stad nog hoorbaar in my ore, karre wat op en af jaag na êrens, elke soveel minute 'n vliegtuig wat oorkom, die telefoon met telebemarkers wie steurend jou dag onderbreek, alarms wat afgaan en die eweige loadshedding wat eintlik soms welkome stilte kom afdwing. Hiernatoe en daarnatoe, doen dit doen dat, dit maak my mal . . . dit sal 'n moerse mindshift kos om weer daaraan gewoond te raak . . . 

Dis nou al byna 4 jaar dat die ons huis is, ons huisie aan die anderkant van die ewenaar. Jy begin wonder hoe lank die eer ons nog geskore gaan wees? Ek wil nie goed realiseer wat nie nodig is nie maar mens wonder maar. 

So het ek ook die ander dag daar in Suid-Afrika gesit en wonder, gewonder oor ons huis aan daaikant en wat die volgende stap gaan wees en ons maak planne en ons sit koppe bymekaar en skielik kom daar 'n gedagte by my op, soos iemand wie wir my sê, moenie laat jou kop weghol met jou nie, die antwoorde sal kom as die tyd reg is. En dis toe die antwoord. As die tyd reg is, dan sal ons weet . . .

Ek wil vandag vir die, vir wie die skoen pas sê, as jou binneste hunker na rus en vrede en die

platteland, die natuur en die Godgegewe plekke wat jou toekom, wees rustig my mens, hy kom, als
kom op sy tyd, antwoorde, verandering, als, ons moet net geduldig wees.

Ek kyk op, ek weet waar ons genade vandaan kom, dis van die Skepper wie ons met soveel liefde gemaak het, als gemaak het, Hy is in beheer. Dan spring die aaklige gedagte van xenophobia en al die kwaad en haat in ons land op in my kop, en ek dink, skoert duiwel, maar ook daar sal 'n uitweg kom, daar moet net, ons moet net positief bly . . . (Makliker gesê as gedaan) 

Groetnis aan almal wie my ongereelde stukkies steeds gertou lees, liefde van huis tot huis.


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Kraan is toe . . .

Nou ja, ek sit hier en ek noem myself baie dinge, onder andere naief, want ek vertrou mos almal.

Hier is die storie:

Ek loop ewe rustig in Pick n Pay en hier kom 'n jong meisie na my toe met 'n pak doeke en 'n blik melk. Ja, die storie, sy het 'n baba en nie geld nie en die is by haar ma en die kry ook swaar en julle weet wat kos baba melk en doeke. En ek sê vir haar, hoekom borsvoed jy nie, nee, maar die kind wil nie aan haar drink nie. Ek vra haar uit, waar bly jy? In Birchleigh, skryf ewe vir my haar naam, adres en nommer neer. En ek sê ek gaan kom kyk sy sê dis reg tannie. En ek sê vir haar ek sal die melk koop sy moet buite wag. Ek kom by die kar waar sy wag. Ek gee die melk en sy vra of sy die slip kan kry want sy moet by die hof al die geld wat sy op die kind uitgee wys. Die outjie wie haar swanger gemaak het se ouers wil die kind vat. Ek gee toe maar die slippie. Ek sê vir haar, as jy vandag vir my lieg meisie, gaan jy dit voel. Sy sê, dis reg tannie ek lieg nie. Ek dink by myself, ek gaan kyk waar ek kan help, al moet ek almal vra vir bydaes. Ek voel goed.

Toe kliek iets in my kop. Ek skryf die registrasie nommer van die kar neer en ry na die adres toe. Ja, reggeraai. Verkeerde adres, maar ek is 'n ou kalant. Ek vind uit aan wie die kar behoort en ek ry na daai huis toe.

Ja sê die bediende, dis Natan se kar die meneer se seun, en die Chantelle is sy girlfriend en hulle is op drugs, vele male in rehab gewees. Nee, die kind is nie 6 maande oud nie. En sy wys so om en by 3 - 4 jaar oud. Vertel my ewe waar Chantelle bly, nie ver van die verkeerde adres af nie. Ek ry en gaan kyk, maar die Wit Opel Corsa staan nie daar nie.

Ek bel toe die pa en vertel hom die storie, sê ek soek nie die geld nie, wil net hê hy moet weet. Arme
man, ek sit daar in die bakkie en ek huil. Huil vir hom en vir sy kleinkind.

Sorry, ek het vandag my neus in ander se sake gesteek, ek is misbruik, sy gaan die melk by die volgende winkel teruggee en die geld vat. Ek is lekker deur my ore geskroef!

Maar girl, ek het vir jou gesê as jy vandag vir my lieg gaan jy dit voel. Jy gaan dit voel. Daai oupa en ouma gaan daai pragtige kind vat en mooi grootmaak, jy gaan hopenlik jou lewe regruk, ek bid vir dit.

Maar van vandag af gaan ek nie weer help nie, ek is nou een van daai mense wie net dood eenvoudig gaan nee sê. Jammer vir die wie regtig hulp nodig het. Ek sal self besluit as iemand hulp nodig het en help. As jy vra is die antwoord nee.

Dis sad, so so sad. Maar dis nou maar hoe dit is, en hoe dit sal wees.

Hierdie uitgestrekte hand is nou gebyt, hy bly nou maar aan my sy.

Kemptonparkers, wees op julle hoede, ek is seker ek is nie die eerste wie vandag of gister of dalk more deur haar gevang gaan word nie.


Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Personal personality test

Personal excercize : 

Your true self and the status of your soul.

Sit in your favorite spot, relax and breathe for a few minutes.
Now think deeply, be honest to yourself - remember, it will not be published on your Facebook Page.

Think what you want the wolrd to see and what you really are.
Think about what is going on in your head when someone irritate or offend you?
What do you feel and how do you react when things are not going your way?
That bitch or angel insige you, how do they react? Can you tolerate the 'stupidity' of other? Can you forgive without judging?
Some of us are vocal about it. Some just think it. It's all the same. Are you quick to lash with that tongue of yours? It hurt you know . . .

This is who you really are. 
Are you ashamed of yourself or are you proud of yourself or do you pretend not to care?
There you go . . .

If guild is a word in your mind right now, change your mind, if you think, what a load of crap, close this page.
But I can promise you, you will think about this again.
Don't just be good when it fits you, when you are around the people who you want to impress with you amazing personality, be kind all the time even in your mind. This is what will follow you into the rest of eternity. 

A kind hearted soul is what we are ment to be . . .
Don't judge, let be . . .
Grow your soul, don't break it down by wasting time on judges, irritations anger and the big ME.

Love is the answer, love yourself first and then be the person other can love as well. 

I am no angel either, but I can try